Metaphysical Book Editing

I have edited numerous books about religion, faith, and spirituality, books that include Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and other beliefs. Among these, I include books on quantum physics and consciousness, not really about religion, but certainly about spirituality and being. If you have a religious book, my task is to help you to create a powerful manuscript to support your ideas. For Catholic books I have edited, click here. Among the other faith-based and metaphysical books I have edited are:

  • Who's Forming Our Hearts: Are We Who We Say We Are? by Bat Tucker (2023).
  • God Incidents III, by Thomas R. Lukes (2023).
  • The Capstone, by Joshua Stone (2022, TBP).
  • The Final Kingdom, by Joshua Stone (2021, TBP).
  • The Historical Jesus: A Guide for the Perplexed, by Helen K. Bond (2012, T&T Clark/Continuum).
  • Moravian Soundscapes: A Sonic History of the Moravian Missions in Early Pennsylvania, by Sarah Justina Eyerly (2020, Indiana University Press).
  • Christ among the Messiahs: Christ Language in Paul and Messiah Language in Ancient Judaism, by Matthew V. Novenson (2012, Oxford University Press).
  • Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A. Tiller's Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine, by Nisha J. Manek, MD (2019, Conscious Creation LLC).
  • Deep Reality: Why Source Science May Be the Key to Understanding Human Potential, by Doug Matzke and William A. Tiller (2020, Waterside Productions).
  • Imprint: An Apprenticeship of the Soul, by Marcus B. Sorensen (2014, Chaos Pilots).
  • Natural Mystics, by Varun Soni (2014, Figueroa Press).
  • John Calvin's Ecclesiology: Ecumenical Perspectives, by Gerard Mannion and Eduardus Van der Borght (2011, Continuum).
  • Letters of the Divine Word: The Perfections of God in Karl Barth's Church Didactics, by Robert P. Price (2010, T&T Logo/Continuum).
  • Melville and Aesthetics, edited by Samuel Otter and Geoffrey Sanborn (2011, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • The Historical Jesus: A Guide for the Perplexed, by Helen K. Bond (2012, T&T Clark/Continuum).
  • Early Greek Thought: Before the Dawn, by James Luchte (2011, Continuum).
  • Between Religion and Culture: Three Generations of Iranian Jewish Women from the Shahs to Los Angeles, by Saba Soomekh.
  • Religion and the State: Europe and North America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, by Josh Stein and Sargon Donabed (2012, Lexington Books).
  • Islam, Modernity, and the Human Sciences, by Ali Zaidi (2011, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • "A Parallel Anticlericalism," by Hossein Sheiban (2012).
  • American Theology, Superhero Comics, and Cinema, by Arthur R. Mills (2013, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Narratives and Negotiation: Agency, Religion, and the State, edited by Sargon George Donabed and Autumn Quezada-Grant (2014, Lexington Books).
  • Islam, Law and the Modern State, by Arif A. Jamal (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • John Calvin's Ecclesiology: Ecumenical Perspectives, by Gerard Mannion and Eduardus Van der Borght (2011, Continuum).
  • Just War and the Ethics of Espionage, by Darrell Cole (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Vigilant Powers: Three Churches of Early Medieval Armenia, by Christina Maranci (2015, Brepols Press).
  • The Jewish Eighteenth Century: A European Biography, 1700—1750, by Shmuel Feiner, translated by Jeffrey M. Green (2020, Indiana University Press).
  • Believing Against the Evidence: Agency and the Ethics of Belief, by Miriam Schleifer McCormick (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Personhood and Presence: Self as a Resource for Spiritual and Pastoral Care, by Ewan Kelly (2011, T&T Clark).
  • The Believer's Brain: Home of the Religious and Spiritual Mind, by Kenneth M. Heilman and Russell S. Donda (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Moral Development: Theory and Applications, by Elizabeth C. Vozzola (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Humanness and Dehumanization, edited by Paul G. Bain, Jeroen Vaes, and Jacques Philippe-Leyens (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Education and Muslim Identity During a Time of Tension: Inside an American Islamic School, by Melanie C. Brooks (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Feminism and Religion in the 21st Century: Technology, Dialogue, and Expanding Borders, by Gina Messina-Dysert and Rosemary Ruether (2015, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Ethical Leadership: Project with a Moral Compass, by Joan Marques (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • The Believer's Brain: Home of the Religious and Spiritual Mind, by Kenneth M. Heilman and Russell S. Donda (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Moral Development: Theory and Applications, by Elizabeth C. Vozzola (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • American Theology, Superhero Comics, and Cinema, by Arthur R. Mills (2013, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Personhood and Presence: Self as a Resource for Spiritual and Pastoral Care, by Ewan Kelly (2011, T&T Clark).
  • 'Obayd Zakani—Anticlerical Satirist? by Hossein Sheiban (2014, Journal of the American Oriental Society).
  • Buddhism, the Internet, and Digital Media: The Pixel in the Lotus, edited by Gregory Price Grieve and Daniel Veidlinger (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Believing Against the Evidence: Agency and the Ethics of Belief, by Miriam Schleifer McCormick (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).