Academic Book Editing

In the academic realm, I have edited numerous academic books and college textbooks, in both UK English and US English. Among them:

  • El Monte Earthworks: Black Atlantic Temporality in Ana Mendieta's "Selfies," by Genevieve Hyacinthe (2018, MIT Press).
  • "I Am Basquait": Tracing Jean-Michel Basquait's Alterity and Activism in Paint and Performance, by Genevieve Hyacinthe (2018, Bucknell University Press/Rutgers).
  • Marketing and Globalization, by Aurélia Durand (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Concurrency in .NET: Modern Patterns of Concurrent and Parallel Programming, by Riccardo Terrell (2018, Manning Publications Company).
  • Radical Virtuosity: Ana Mendieta and the Black Atlantic, by Genevieve Hyacinthe (2019, MIT Press).
  • O Rare Ralph McInerny: Stories and Reflections on a Legendary Notre Dame Professor, by Christopher Kaczor (2010, St. Augustine Press).
  • The Ethics of Abortion: Women's Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice, by Christopher Kaczor (2010, Routledge Press).
  • Hellenisms: Culture, Identity and Ethnicity from Antiquity to Modernity, by Katerina Zacharia (2008, Ashgate Variorum).
  • Genocide in the Middle East: The Ottoman Empire, Iraq, and Sudan, by Hannibal Travis (2010, Carolina Academic Press).
  • Between Religion and Culture: Three Generations of Iranian Jewish Women from the Shahs to Los Angeles, by Saba Soomekh.
  • The Church: Christ in the World Today, author and editor Ann Aubrey Hanson (2010, St. Mary's Press).
  • Assyrians and the Iraqi State: Identity, Persecution, and Nation-Building from the Ottomans to Saddam, by Sargon George Donabed (2011).
  • Gulag Voices: Oral Histories of Soviet Detention and Exile, by Jehanne M. Gheith and Katherine R. Jolluck (2010, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • The American Bourgeoisie: Distinction and Identity in the Nineteenth Century, by Sven Beckert and Julia Rosenbaum (2010, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Political Culture in Panama Democracy after Invasion, by Orlando J. Pérez (2010, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Between Religion and Culture: Three Generations of Iranian Jewish Women from the Shahs to Los Angeles, by Saba Soomekh (2011, SUNY Press) Winner of the SUNY Press Gold Medal in the 2013 Independent Publisher Book Awards, Religion.
  • Yinyang in Early Chinese Thought and Culture, by Robin W. Wang (2012, Cambridge University Press).
  • Assyrian History, edited by Tomas Isik (2012, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis/Uppsala University Press).
  • Advocates of Realpolitik: Sweden, Europe and the Helsinki Final Act, by Aryo Makko (dissertation).
  • The Assyrian Heritage: Threads of Continuity and Influence, edited by Önver A. Cetrez, Sargon G. Donabed, and Aryo Makko (2012, ACTA Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studies in Religion and Society 5).
  • Religion and the State: Europe and North America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, by Josh Stein and Sargon Donabed (2012, Lexington Books).
  • Mosaics of Identity: Reading Muslim Women's Memoirs from Across the Diaspora, by Leila Pazargadi (dissertation).
  • The Self-Aware Image: An Insight into Early Modern Metapainting, by Victor I. Stoichita (2014, Brepols Press).
  • Narratives and Negotiation: Agency, Religion, and the State, edited by Sargon George Donabed and Autumn Quezada-Grant (2014, Lexington Books).
  • Andrea del Castagno and the Limits of Painting, by Anne Dunlop (2015, Harvey Miller/Brepols Press).
  • Small Animal Care and Management 4th ed. (textbook), by Dean M. Warren (2016, Cengage Learning).
  • The Neptune Fountain in Bologna: Bronze, Marble, and Water in the Making of a Papal City, by Richard Tuttle (2014, Brepols Press).
  • Vigilant Powers: Three Churches of Early Medieval Armenia, by Christina Maranci (2015, Brepols Press).
  • The Bargello Palace and the Invention of Civic Architecture in Florence, by Amee Yunn (2015, Brepols Press).
  • Reforging a Forgotten History: Iraq and the Assyrians in the Twentieth Century, by Sargon George Donabed (2015, Edinburgh University Press).
  • Global Business (textbook), by Mike W. Peng (2016, Cengage Learning).
  • Global Strategy 4e, by Mike W. Peng (digital only) (2016, Cengage Learning).
  • Construction Materials, Methods, and Techniques: Building for a Sustainable Future 4e, by William P. Spence and Eva Kultermann (2016, Cengage Learning).

Academic Copy Editing

In the academic realm, I have copy edited diverse academic books, in both UK English and US English. Among them:

  • Placing the Modern Chinese Vernacular in Transnational Literature, by Gang Zhou (2010, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Nobility, Faith and Masculinity: The Hospitaller Knights of Malta (1580-1700), by Emanuel Buttigieg (2010, Continuum).
  • Re-assessing the Theatre of the Absurd, by Michael Y. Bennett (2010, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Mathematics, Ideas and the Physical Real, by Albert Lautman (translated by Simon Duffy) (2011, Continuum).
  • Refugees and the End of Empire: Imperial Collapse and Forced Migration in the Twentieth Century, edited by Panikos Panayi and Pippa Verdee (2011, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Kurdish Identity, Discourse, and New Media, by Jaffer Sheyholislami (2011, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • The Guattari Effect, edited by Andrew Goffey and Éric Alliez (2011, Continuum).
  • The Zaza Kurds of Turkey, by Mehmed S. Kaya (2011, I.B. Tauris).
  • King Lear: A Critical Guide, edited by Andrew Hiscock and Lisa Hopkins (2011, Continuum).
  • Children's Literature in Context, by Fiona McCulloch (2011, Continuum).
  • Rock 'n' Roll Dances of the 1950s, by Lisa Jo Sagolla (2011, ABC-Clio/Greenwood).
  • War and Governance: International Security in a Changing World Order, by Richard Weitz (2011, ABC-Clio/Praeger).
  • Global Energy Innovation: Why America Must Lead, by Woodrow W. Clark and Grant Cooke (2011, ABC-Clio/Praeger).
  • Comparative Politics, by David Samuels (2012, Pearson/Longman & Co).
  • Case Studies in Comparative Politics, by David Samuels (2012, Pearson/Longman & Co).
  • The Secret Reasons Why Teachers Are Not Using Web 2.0 Tools and What Librarians Can Do About It, by Peggy Milam Creighton (2012, ABC-Clio, LLC).
  • Medical Tourism: A Reference Handbook, by Kathy Stolley and Stephanie Watson (2012, ABC-Clio/Greenwood/Praeger).
  • Bookmarking: Beyond the Basics, by Alicia E. Vanderboek (2012, ABC-Clio/Linworth).
  • DIY Style: Fashion, Music, and Global Digital Cultures, by Brent Luvaas (2012, Berg).
  • Beyond Just War: A Virtue Ethics Approach, by David K. Chan (2012, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Liberal Internationalism: The Interwar Peace Movement in Britain, by Michael Pugh (2012, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Religious Objects in Museums: Private Lives and Public Duties, by Crispin Paine (2012, Berg Publishers).
  • Travel Writing and the Natural World 1768-1840, by Paul Smethurst (2013, Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Relational, Networked, and Collaborative Approaches to Public Diplomacy: The Connective Mindshift, edited by R. S. Zaharna, Amelia Arsenault, and Ali Fisher (2013, Routledge/Taylor &Francis).
  • Roman Theories of Translation: Surpassing the Source, by Siobhan McElduff (2013, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Women as Political Leaders: Studies in Gender and Governing, by Michael A. Genovese and Janie Steckenrider (2013, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Writings on the Sober Life: The Art and Grace of Living Long, by Alvise Cornaro (2013, University of Toronto Press).
  • Displaying the Ideals of Antiquity: The Petrified Gaze, by Johannes Siapkas and Lena Sjögren (2013, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • The Historical Origins of Terrorism in America, 1644-1880, by Robert Kunamoto (2014, Routledge/New York and London).
  • Framing Environmental Disaster: Environmental Advocacy and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, by Melissa K. Merry (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • The Making of Hispano-Flemish Style: Art, Commerce, and Politics in Fifteenth-Century Castile, by Ronda Kasl (2014, Brepols Press).
  • Tullio Lombardo, by Anne Markham Schultz (2014, Brepols Press).
  • The Age of Intelligent Cities: Smart environments and innovation-for-all strategies, by Nicos Komninos (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Just War and the Ethics of Espionage, by Darrell Cole (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Laura Ingalls Wilder, American Writer on the Prairie, by Sallie Ketcham (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Post-Treaty Politics: Secretariat Influence in Global Environmental Governance, by Sikina Jinnah (2014, MIT Press).
  • Design Engineer's Sourcebook, by Keith L. Richards (2018, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis).
  • Activism and the Fossil Fuel Industry, by Andrew Cheon and Johannes Urpelelainen (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Islam, Law and the Modern State, by Arif A. Jamal (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Productivity Dynamics in Emerging and Industrialized Countries, edited by Deb Kusum Das (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Hosting the Olympic Games: The Real Costs for Cities, by John Rennie Short (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Re-Mapping Archaeology: Critical Perspectives, Alternative Mappings, edited by Mark Gillings, Piraye Hacigüzeller, and Gary Lock (2019, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • English Language Teaching During Japan's Post-War Occupation: Politics and Pedagogy, by Mayumi Ohara and John Buchanan (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • The Significance of Indeterminacy: Perspectives from Asian and Continental Philosophy, edited by Robert H. Scott and Gregory S. Moss (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Untranslatability: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Duncan Large, Motoko Akashi, Wanda Józwikowska, and Emily Rose (2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature, edited by Caroline Rae (2019, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Political Ecology of REDD+ in Indonesia: Agrarian conflicts and forest carbon, by Jonas I. Hein (2019, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Henry Redhead Yorke, Colonial Radical: Politics and Identity in the Atlantic World, 1772—1813, by Amanda Goodrich (2019, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Pipe Dreams: Water and Empire in Central Asia's Aral Sea Basin, by Maya K. Peterson (2019, Cambridge University Press).
  • The Italian Idea: Anglo-Italian Radical Literary Culture, 1815-23, by Will Bowers (2019, Cambridge University Press).
  • The United States of India: Anticolonial Literature and Transnational Refraction, by Manan Desai (2019, Temple University Press).
  • Moravian Soundscapes: A Sonic History of the Moravian Missions in Early Pennsylvania, by Sarah Justina Eyerly (2020, Indiana University Press).
  • Reagan, Congress, and Human Rights: Contesting Morality in U.S. Foreign Policy, by Rasmus Sinding Søndergaard (2020, Cambridge University Press).
  • The Jewish Eighteenth Century: A European Biography, 1700—1750, by Shmuel Feiner, translated by Jeffrey M. Green (2020, Indiana University Press).
  • Treaties in Motion: The Evolution of Treaties from Formation to Termination, by Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Panos Merkouris (2020, Cambridge University Press).
  • Music in World War II: Coping with Wartime in Europe and the United States, edited by Pamela M. Potter, Christina L. Baade, and Roberta Montemorra Marvin (2020, Indiana University Press).

Academic Proofreading

In the academic realm, I have proofread diverse academic books, in both UK English and US English. Among them:

  • Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A. Tiller's Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine, by Nisha J. Manek, MD (2019, Conscious Creation LLC).
  • The Inquiring Mind, by Jason Baehr (2011, Oxford University Press).
  • Christ among the Messiahs: Christ Language in Paul and Messiah Language in Ancient Judaism, by Matthew V. Novenson (2012, Oxford University Press).
  • Cultural History of Gardens, Vol. 5, by Sonja Dümpelman (2013, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc).
  • Historical Atlas of Medieval Music, edited by Vera Minazzi and Cesarino Ruini (2013, Editoriale Jace Book SpA, Milano).
  • Biological Science, Second Canadian Edition, by Scott Freeman, Mike Harrington, and Joan Sharp (2014, Pearson Canada Inc.).
  • Teaching Secondary Mathematics, 4th Edition, by David Rock and Douglas K. Brumbaugh (2013, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Lexicon for Medieval Choir Stalls: Liturgical Furniture XIII to XVI Century, edited by Elaine C. Block and Frédérick Billiet (2014, Brepols Publishers).
  • Teaching and Learning English in the Arabic-Speaking World, edited by Kathleen M. Bailey and Ryan M. Damerow (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Effortless Mindfulness: Genuine Mental Health Through Awakened Presence, by Lisa Dale Miller (2014, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Transboundary Water Management and the Climate Change Debate, by Anton Earle, Ana Elisa Cascão, Stina Hansson, Anders Jägerskog, Ashok Swain, and Joakim Öjendal (2015, Routledge/Earthscan).
  • A New Type of History: Fictional Proposals for Dealing with the Past, by Beverley Southgate (2015, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • An Independent Mind: Collected Papers of Juliet Hopkins, edited by Ann Horne and Monica Lanyado (2015, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Research and Development on Genetic Resources: Public domain approaches in implementing the Nagoya Protocol, edited by Evanson Chege Kamau, Gerd Winter, and Peter-Tobias Stoll (2015, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • Current Controversies in Political Philosophy, edited by Thom Brooks (2015, Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
  • The Science of Attitudes, by Joel Cooper, Shane Blackman, and Kyle Keller (2016, Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis).
  • Cities and Agriculture: Developing resilient urban food systems, edited by Henk de Zeeuw and Pay Drechsel (2016, Earthsan/Routledge/Taylor & Francis).

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