Writing Coach and Mentor

Fiction • Nonfiction • Memoir

I work with nascent writers and published authors, encouraging them to write to the best of their abilities while providing the nuts-and-bolts guidance necessary to achieve their writing goals. Whether working on mystery novels, sci-fi, historical fiction, or memoirs, I patiently and calmly critique the writing, making general suggestions for editing and providing specific pointers for improvement.

Many writers wait until they've completed a first draft before seeking an editor's help. However, I strongly recommend seeking an editor or writing mentor early in the process. This proactive approach can prevent you from getting lost in your own story and steer you away from unproductive paths. With my background in teaching fiction writing, I can help you develop your unique voice. I share fiction writing tips on The Writing Itch, my editing and fiction writing blog, to further support your journey.

Through conducting numerous memoir writing workshops, I have developed the art of pulling stories from life, guiding writers to see the big picture of their lives while cultivating the details that create that picture. Many memoir writers have successfully fashioned their life stories into compelling books with my guidance. I offer memoir-writing tips on
A Why to Live, my memoir-writing blog.

Understanding the challenges of writing, I don't just critique and edit. I walk alongside my writer-clients, offering encouragement and guidance at every step of the creative process. I never settle for 'good enough' writing, always pushing my clients to exceed their own expectations and achieve their best work.