Editor / Writing Coach / Indexer

I offer editing expertise on any level or coaching with your writing. Whether you are new to writing or have published before, I can help you raise your writing to a higher level, in preparation for publication.

  • As an editor, I edit books, memoirs, and short stories. I work with all levels of writers, from new writers to published authors. My speciality is Catholic writers, because there are so few Catholic editors who know the faith inside and out, as I do. I not only help as wordsmith, but I can also verify the theology.

  • As a writing coach, I help people to tell their stories and preserve their legacy. My forte is helping to identify the structure of the story and then build on that with vignettes that highlight that life.

  • Indexing is an art and skill. A great index is created by a human. AI can index terms, but it takes a human to understand context and relationships. Someday, AI might take over. But for now, the human mind works best.